IGuard999 I.C.E. Pet ID Tag.

Ever lost your dog or cat ?

Losing your dog or cat is a very worrying and stressful experience.

It's heartbreaking not knowing whether your favourite pet will return home !

Pop an IGuard999 I.C.E. Pet ID Tag on their collar and your worry is over.

If you lose your pet whoever finds it can simply scan theIGuard999. I.C.E. Pet Tag and the owners details will be shown.

They can contact the owner, assure them their pet is safe and arrange a reunion.

You can order your IGuard999 I.C.E. Pet ID Tag from your I.C.E. account once you have logged in.

IGuard999 I.C.E. Pet ID Tag service is also available for multi pets if you have more than on.

You can sign up as many pets as you want they are all linked to your I.C.E. account.

Click Here To See What Happens When The QR Code Is Scanned.